Hi guys today we want to inform you about the Food Allergy prevention project initiative sponsored by the National Allergy Strategy.
You may be have noticed that since August 2020 a new social media campaign started using a 15 a second video about feeding the common food allergens at least twice a week once introduced. This was building from the original message to introduce the common food allergies before a baby turns one, to help in the prevention of allergic reaction in infants.
The ASCIA, the peak professional body of clinical immunology and allergy specialists in Australia and New Zealand, published new guidelines on food allergy prevention in babies on January 12, 2019. Changes in the guidelines were implemented followed evidence published in the LEAP study1 where the introduction of food allergies to 4-11-month-old infants helped to reduce their risk of allergy by up to 80%.
This is a really great initiative…The development of new recipe booklet containing a range of recipes/ideas which include the common food allergens, plus a range of recipes for the different ages and stages of eating development that gives parents ideas and inspiration.
A recent study published on the journal of Science Translation Medicine2 demonstrated the ability to use skin bacterium Roseomonas mucosa for the treatment of Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema). The Eczema is normally associated with food allergic reactions, particularly in infants.
As you can see, we have a lot of good initiatives and projects going on around the world to helping us prevent and deal with food allergic reactions. Here at Allergy Test Australia we are continuously keeping you update on the recent science around the world and all the scientific progresses in the field of allergies and intolerances. Feel free to have a look at our website and see how we can help you starting this journey together.