criswest, Author at Allergy Test Australia - Page 5 of 8

Posts by criswest:

Making 2019 your year of health

With 2019 still relatively young, you are probably thinking about setting your goals to ensure you reach optimum health and happiness in the coming months. Check out these seven healthy steps that you should follow in order to maximise your health over the year. 1) Set yourself a goal After all, how would you know […]

Did you know how important nutrients are to our health?

Hmmm, are the nutrients really being leached out of supermarket, fruits, and vegetables? It can’t be. It has been drummed into us from an early age that there is nothing more important than getting our full intake of nutrients and eating 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day. Make sure you get enough nutrition Everybody […]

What are the symptoms of Lactose Intolerance?

Hmmmm, have you just received your test results from Allergy Test Australia and have learned that you have a food intolerance to many items? This probably explains your fatigue, stomach issues, and headache! If you often have a bloated stomach then it may also be a symptom of food intolerance rather than you simply eating […]

What to look out for in food intolerances

Around the world, there are more people than ever who are likely to develop food allergies and food intolerances. Recent inquiries into the deaths of two British teenagers across the other side of the world have seen awareness spread about the fatal causes of allergies. Added to this, a girl died of a dairy allergy […]

Why is identifying your allergies so important?

It sounds a simple question, and the answer is quite simple. You must know what food allergies and intolerances you have as they can severely impact the way you live your life. Of course, allergies are more severe and can be life-threatening, as shown in a previous case of a boxer who was almost killed […]

What you need to know about Food Allergies

Here at Allergy Test Australia, we have compiled information which we believe you need to know about food allergies and intolerances which can help you to live a better life. Take a look below at some of the essential information that you must know about intolerances and food allergy which will highlight the need for […]

What to look out for in lactose intolerance!

There are a number of symptoms to look out for in people who are lactose intolerant. The symptoms are not dangerous but are very uncomfortable, and although lactose intolerance is not curable the symptoms are easy to manage. What is lactose intolerance? Lactose intolerant people are unable to digest fully the sugar referred to as […]